Peak Research, Inc.
We are a non-profit 501c organization.
The mission of Peak Research, Inc. is to conduct research to increase the achievement of all students in mathematics, with a focus on historically under-performing students.
Our hypotheses:
Math requires a solid foundation.
Students who have those critical building blocks (CBBs) are in position to learn at grade level and beyond. They can use critical thinking to solve grade level and beyond problems.
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There are a few critical building blocks in that foundation. Students who have those critical building blocks (CBBs) are in position to learn at grade level and beyond. They can use critical thinking to solve grade level and beyond problems.
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Research Report
While our research also demonstrates that filling the math gaps identified by the diagnostic assessment using PA’s intervention program leads to dramatic improvement in student math scores, that issue is not discussed here.
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Sample Results
Our conclusion from these and similar results in poor performing middle and high schools is that the problem is different from what most people think. The problem is not that students need more and better grade level instruction.
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